Top Seven Games To Include At Your Carnival Or Family Fun Fair

It’s time to start thinking about your upcoming carnival or family fun fair for the next school year. At each carnival station, you can have prizes available for each participant or you can do a ticketing system where each station gives out tickets and then there is a counter full of prizes to choose from at the end of the night.

Here are some games and fun foods to help you jump start your carnival:

3 n 1 carnival game

1. 3-in-1 Carnival Game: Have your choice of playing ‘Gone Bananas’, ‘Pin the Tail on the Donkey’ or ‘Fun House’. These games allow you to attach items to the backdrop – the more items you stick, the more points you win!

mini golf glow in the dark recordahit 1

2. 3-Hole Inflated Mini Golf: Have this attraction in a dim part of your carnival so you can see the full effect of the blacklighting. You can even make this a competition to see who can score the lowest and will be the golf champion!

axe throwing rental recordahit

3. Axe Throwing: Each person will start with 5 foam axes. Have your carnival attendees throw their axe and see who can get closest to the center of the board.


4. Balloon artists: You can’t have a carnival without balloons! From animals to hats to swords, our balloon artists can twist up what you are looking for.

boomblasters2021 1

5. Boom Blasters: Race against people to see who can pump up the detonator the fastest resulting in their balloon bursting. This is a great high stakes game that will get your heart pumping.

funfood more fresh popcorn

6. Fun food: Every carnival needs at least some fun food or snacks at their concession stand. We offer popcorn, cotton candy, and snow cones. If you are looking for candy, we also offer Pucker Powder and Whackies Candy dispensers.

ring toss carnival game 01 recordahit

7. For your more traditional carnival games, we would recommend Ring Toss, Bottle Ring, Bozo Buckets, Crane Machine, and Dart Balloons.

If you need any help with your next summer party or event, please email Rob at