Tips for Planning in the Event of Rain

With all the unpredictable weather that has been happening lately, we wanted to provide you with some tips to help you prepare for inclement weather at your upcoming event or party:


  • If possible, prioritize a venue with an indoor space or a covered area. This could be a building with a hall or a patio with a roof.
  • If your event is outdoors, see if there are any natural shelters nearby, like a pavilion.

pavilion breckenridge 26 27810

Backup Plan:

  • Having a backup indoor location is ideal in case of rain or inclement weather. This could be a campus building or a neighboring community center.
  • If a full backup location isn’t feasible, at least have a designated area where you can move essential equipment or guests if it starts raining heavily.
  • Remember to read your contract fully. Typically at Record-A-Hit you have 48 hours from your event start time to reschedule on an agreed upon date with the office.


  • Be clear with attendees from the start if the event is “rain or shine.” This will help you manage expectations and avoid any last-minute changes.
  • In the days leading up to the event, keep guests updated on the weather forecast. Send emails, text messages, or social media messages advising them on what to wear and bring depending on the conditions.

Prepare for the Rain and inclement weather:

  • If you can’t avoid the rain, consider renting tents or canopies to create covered areas for guests and equipment.
  • Have a plan for what to do with electronics and other weather-sensitive items in case of rain. Work with all your vendors to have a better understand on what their weather policies are.
  • You can also provide some rain gear for attendees, like ponchos or umbrellas.

Be prepared to adjust activities or entertainment if rain or other inclement weather makes them impractical. By following these tips, you can be better prepared to handle rain or inclement weather at your next event or party and will be able to keep things running smoothly, no matter the weather.